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Hello, Here's
Your account details

You have directly earned: $ 50.5981
You have earned from your Downline: $ 1460.0459
Your account balance after all transactions: $ 1510.3841
You have directly earned: 13098,560 Points
You have earned from your Downline: 102 Points
Total available points after all transactions: 95768 Points

Gold Member
Bonus Referrals
Downline Count
#1 9
#2 28
#3 43
#4 3
#5 2
#6 1
Total: 86
Account Transactions
Cash Credits
Total Cash Credits: $ 0.0000
Cash Debits
AlienEmail Commissions Payment $506.26
Total Cash Debits: $ 506.26
Point Credits
Referral Bonus (Crano)25
Referral Bonus (jgryder76)25
Points earned from AutoSurf16,357
Total Point Credits: 16,417
Point Debits
Points spent on Autosurf400
Points spent on Autosurf80
Points spent on Autosurf75
Points spent on Autosurf421
Points spent on Autosurf200
Points spent on Autosurf300
Points spent on Autosurf100
Points spent on Autosurf100
Points spent on Autosurf100
Points spent on Autosurf34
Points spent on Autosurf300
Points spent on Autosurf300
Points spent on Autosurf300
Points spent on Autosurf300
Points spent on Autosurf300
Points spent on Autosurf100
Points spent on Autosurf180
Points spent on Autosurf40
Points spent on Autosurf410
Points spent on Autosurf80
Redeem 25,000 Points for a Galaxy Membership25,000
Total Point Debits: 29,120
Ready to cash out?
Visit your Redemption page.

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